Freescale Semiconductor MC68HC08KH12 User Manual
Page 124

Advance Information
Rev. 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor
SOFF — Start Of Frame Detect Flag
This read only bit is set when a valid SOF PID is detected on the D0+
and D0– lines at the root port. Software must clear this flag by writing
a logic 1 to SOFFR bit in the SIETSR register. Reset clears this bit.
Writing to SOFF has no effect.
1 = Start Of Frame PID has been detected
0 = Start Of Frame PID has not been detected
EOF2F — The second End Of Frame Point Flag
This read only bit is set when the internal frame timer counts to the bit
time that the hub must see upstream traffic terminated near the end
of frame. This bit time is defined as 10 bit times from the next Start of
Frame PID. Software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to
EOF2FR bit in the SIETSR register. Reset clears this bit. Writing to
EOF2F has no effect.
1 = Frame timer counts to the EOF2 point
0 = Frame timer does not count to the EOF2 point
EOPF — End of Packet Detect Flag
This read only bit is set when a valid End-of-Packet sequence is
detected on the D0+ and D0– lines. Software must clear this flag by
writing a logic 1 to the EOPFR bit in the SIETSR register. Reset clears
this bit. Writing to EOPF has no effect.
1 = End-of-Packet sequence has been detected
0 = End-of-Packet sequence has not been detected
TRANF — Bus Signal Transition Detect Flag
This read only bit is set if there is any bus activity on the upstream or
the downstream data lines. Generally speaking, this bit is used to
wakeup the suspended hub when there is any bus activity occurred.
Software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the TRANFR bit in
the SIETSR register. Reset clears this bit. Writing to TRANF has no
1 = Signal transition has been detected
0 = Signal transition has not been detected