6 per step - manual editing patterns, Rhythmic patterns – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual
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The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide
Rhythmic Patterns
3.6 Per Step - Manual Editing Patterns
Per Step editing makes it possible to manually enter pulses as opposed to
Euclidean pulse generation. Not only can pulses be individually placed but
also the parameter settings for each pulse can be set individually. In fact
parameters can be set per step, even without a pulse being present on the
step. Pulses entered for manual per step sequencing can be rotated but will
not be affected when changing Euclidean pulses.
In summary:
Euclidean generated pulses can be removed and added by turning
the (PULSES) knob. Step editing applies manually placed pulses.
Per-Step editing also extends to the parameters which can be
applied to each step, irrespective of whether a pulse is placed on
the step or not. Outside of per-step editing mode, parameter
changes are applied globally to all steps.
Parameters excluded from per-step editing mode; Tempo, Delay,
Length, Quantize.
Pulses are added and removed from a pattern by manual per step
sequencing using the value buttons when in pulse sequencing view.
Pulses added manually cannot be removed by the Euclidean
(PULSES) knob and can only be removed manually using the value
Pulses added both manually or by Euclidean generation can be
rotated using the (ROTATE) knob.
Euclidean or Per Step Pulses
Parameter Edited Step
Euclidean sequenced cycles created by added pulses by turning
the (PULSES) knob. Remove by turning (PULSES).
Manual - per step sequenced cycles created by pressing the
[VBx] Value buttons to add / remove pulses. Selected pulse
flashes, as does the bank button to indicate edit mode.