Midi & wifi connectivity – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual
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T-1 is a sequencer which relies on it’s
connected devices to orchestrate a musical
production. Connectivity is therefore at the
heart of T-1 and the multiple options such as
MIDI, CV and WiFi all contribute to its
versatility. MIDI is the most common protocol
for connecting musical gear. Having the
traditional 5 Pin DIN and also USB options
available covers most bases, but bear in mind
USB is also the connection for the T1 power
supply input. T-1 has a MIDI USB C-Type
connection plus MIDI DIN which is interfaced
using a Type ‘A” MIDI to Mini Jack adapter.
Ableton Link is a wireless technology that
allows remote synchronisation and transport
control between devices. This is a technology
also supported by T-1. So what does all this
really mean? T-1 has the ability to connect to
various devices, for example by USB to control
PC/Mac based Digital Audio Workstations and
associated plugins as a software solution. It
can control desktop synthesizer modules using
traditional MIDI connections and even connect to
configuration and following the right techniques
is important. To truly know how the output of the
T-1 sequencer and it’s patterns generate sounds
and music is something that relies heavily on the
connected instrument. It is normal practice to
patterns and generally develop by ear more than
by process alone. Generating and creating
tracks is an iterative and artistic process. The
default configuration should be ok to get started
with the MIDI and WiFi setup, but settings can be
changed using the T-1 config tool. Getting the
right sound by adjusting synths parameters,
settings and creating a sound is of course a
prerequisite in composing music with T-1.
Remember T-1 is part of a musical setup and
relies fully on the connected gear sounds and
behaviour to deliver its full creative power.
MIDI & WiFi Connectivity
The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide