Generic setup – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual

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Generic Setup



The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide

Pattern: This is the backbone and core of a T-1
sequence and contains one set of steps that forms
a melody or beat.

Perform: A mode in T-1 which supports muting and
temporary variations through use of two buttons.
Ideal in a live environment and to introduce

Pitch: The audio frequency of notes that
determines its sound within a musical range.

Polyphony: The ability to play multiple notes
simultaneously on an instrument. For example to
play chords.

Polyrhythm: Two or more rhythms running
concurrently in the same cycle but with different
beats or subdivisions

Power Bank: A portable rechargeable battery
device used to power or recharge portable

Probability: The determination of whether an action
will occur or not. In a generative sequencer this
can add interest and randomisation.

Program Change. A MIDI standard message which
is applied to change banks or patches of a device.
Also called PC.

Pulse: Used in T-1 Euclidean pattern generation to
trigger a note event. This is generally positioned on
a step but can also be expanded further, for
example by adding note repeats.

Root note: In musical terms this is a single note
used as the starting reference in an harmonic
scale. Typically a root note would be the lowest
note in a chord.

Sequencing: The process of creating a series of
actions such as note triggers or parameter
changes to create melodies or drum beats.

Step: A step is a building block in a pattern
structure. A series of steps would form a pattern
where note events i.e. pulses can be selectively
placed to form a melody or beat.

Synchronization: In the context of connected audio
gear, sync or synchronization refers to how the
clock timing is aligned between multiple devices.
Typically one device would lead as a primary clock
and other devices would follow. This is commonly
managed using MIDI or CV Clocks.

T-1: An algorithmic sequencer that generates
patterns and melodies that control other audio
gear in a generative and fluid style.

T-1 Config: A Mac or PC based software tool to
help configure the T-1 Sequencer. Important for
firmware updates and I/O configuration.

Tempo: The speed at which the overall sequence
runs, based on a standard measure of beats per
minute. T-1 operates between 24 - 280 BPM.

Transport: A term often used to refer to the
collective controls for play, stop, record, pause
where available within in systems.

Track: A T-1 Sequencer pattern contains 16 tracks.
Tracks help manage the structure and length of a
sequence. Typically tracks contain steps and
would each be used for individual instruments, e.g.
Drum, Percussion, Bass, Pad etc.

Transpose: To change the pitch for a range of
notes. Notes can be transposed up or down a
defined octave range. Can also refer to adjustment
up or down for a range of notes on a keyboard.

Trigger: An on/off signal that activates a function.
Used interchangeably with ‘gate’, although triggers
usually are shorter pulses for example to trigger a
short drum hit.

Quantization: The alignment of musical elements
to a defined grid or timing structure.

Update: The process of installing the newest
firmware. This brings new features and fixes bugs
associated with previous versions.

Velocity: A function which measures how hard a
note is played and modulates sound accordingly.
For example hard played notes may sound louder
than softly played notes on a piano.