Generic setup – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual
Page 36

The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide
Generic Setup
Banks and patterns can be selected within the same process. After
selecting a bank, the pattern selection option is automatically presented.
Bank and pattern numbers are represented by the value buttons 1-16. T-1
will also auto save it’s state but it is good workflow practice to manually
save when building and developing sequences.
1. Select a bank. Hold [BANK] + [VBx], where ‘x’ is the bank to select.
Banks are represented by the 16 value buttons. Keep [BANK] Held
through steps 1-3 of this process.
Currently selected, saved bank is WHITE
. If unsaved the button
may be lit Bright PINK
Available saved banks are GREEN
and empty bank slots are
illuminated DARK GREEN
2. While still Holding [BANK], Press [VBx], where ‘x’ is the pattern to select
within the previously selected bank. Value buttons represent patterns.
Currently selected pattern is WHITE
Available empty pattern slots are DARK BLUE
and edited pattern
slots are illuminated BLUE
The pattern pending play is illuminated WHITE
. This is often also
the currently active pattern.
3. If the sequence is playing, the new pattern will be queued to change at
the end of the current pattern. If the sequence is not playing the pattern
is simply selected for editing.
4. Once the bank and pattern is selected release the [BANK] button.