System configuration – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual
Page 210
The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide
The automatic firmware update method is the primary option when updating
the T-1. However there may be some circumstances that a manual update
is required. This process details manual updates.
1. Connect T-1 to a PC or Mac hosting the T-1 Config tool using the USB
cable and connections.
2. Remove all other connections such as MIDI, CV etc. Only the USB
should be connected.
3. Open the Torso ‘T-1 Config’ Tool.
4. Select from the T-1 Config Header Menu, ‘Tools’ > ‘Upload Firmware’ >
‘Factory Version’.
5. Do not unplug or power down during firmware update.
6. The port will be automatically connected but if not the manual option will
be presented. Names on the lines of:-
MacOS - ‘dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXX’.
Windows - ‘Comxx’ - use baud rate 115200 or 460800?”:|{}=The
latest firmware will be uploaded to the T-1 which will take about 2
minutes. T1- will restart ready for use.
System Configuration