Cycles & random – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual
Page 143
Cycles and random are two functions that
operate globally, with multiple T-1 elements.
Cycles is the name given to a feature that
groups combinations of parameter settings that
are applied on each loop of the track sequence.
This allows each Euclidean cycle to have a
unique set of parameter values applied when
each cycle of the sequence is active. All
parameters can be automated within a cycle
and can easily be cleared. Edit mode is
required to assign a parameter change within a
specific cycle. Generic changes to parameters
across all cycles is possible outside of edit
mode. There are 16 cycles available with 4
assigned to each track by default. The starting
point of a project will find all 4 cycles to be
identical. Think of a cycle as a parameter
automation lane, running in parallel and
overlaid to the primary pulse pattern. A cycle
does not itself affect any parameter settings but
more so acts as a container for an alternate set
of parameter values for the track. Random is a
behaviour of various parameters over a 16 step
modulation sequence. Random is applied to the
primary parameters in T-1, each operates it’s
immediately available functions labelled white on
the top panel. The global randomisation and
application per parameter is complex and
consists of many moving parts. Random is
designed with creativity and unpredictability in
mind, while respecting the musical context. Try
not to worry too much about absolute values and
settings but instead tweak and experiment to
produce in a more organic way. Trust in Random
generated outcomes and expect the unexpected.
Cycles and Random are useful features that can
contribute to the variation of a passage or the
arrangement of a full song. Either way they can
be used to add even more interest in live
Cycles & Random
The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide