Bluetooth local com – Sony Bluetooth Utility User Manual
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Bluetooth Local COM
This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Bluetooth Local COM.
Main window
Displays a list of configured ports.
Displays the function of each port.
Ports displayed as "Toshiba BT Port (COMxx)" are TOSHIBA Bluetooth virtual COM ports.
Displays the application used to create those COM ports.
The following information will appear for ports created by Bluetooth Local COM.
COM port for client
Local COM - Client
COM port for server
Local COM - Server [(name of service supplied by port)]
Function buttons
Category Description
Starts the Add COM Port Wizard.
There can be up to 64 ports. If COM ports 1 to 64 already exist, you will not be able to add another port.
Deletes selected port.
You can only delete COM ports created by Bluetooth Local COM.
Click on this button to confirm settings information, and close the Bluetooth Local COM window.
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