HP E1418A User Manual
Page 47
The output can also be disabled before changing the mode or output value.
Use the
n commands to disable the output.
/* Set channel 1 for 5.0 Volt output */
APPLy1:VOLTage 5.000
/* Disable the output */
/* Channel 1 output relay is opened */
/* Now, enable the output */
/* Channel 1 is set to voltage output and 5.000 V applied */
/* Disable the output */
/* Now set channel 1 for 20 mA current output */
APPLy1:CURRent .0200
/* Channel 1 is set to current output and 20 mA applied */
subsystem commands only affect the output relay. The
programmed mode and output value for a given channel is not changed.
Once the mode is set and the desired output value programmed, the output
can be turned on or off as needed with the
It is also possible, with the
n commands, to change the channel
output mode from voltage to current.
/* Set channel 1 for 5.0 Volt output */
APPLy1:VOLTage 5.000
/* Channel 1 is set to voltage output and 5.000 V applied */
/* Now set channel 1 for 20 mA current output */
APPLy1:CURRent .0200
/* Channel 1 is set to current output and 20 mA applied */
During the change from voltage to current (or current to voltage), the
channel output relay is opened. Sending a command sequence similar to the
one above performs the following actions:
Programs channel 1 to the voltage mode and 5.000 Volts output.
Closes the channel 1 output relay.
Opens the channel 1 output relay.
Programs channel 1 to current mode and 20 mA output.
Closes the channel 1 output relay.
46 Programming Examples
Chapter 2
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