8managing rules – RISCO Group ACUS User Manual
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User Manual for ACUS
Managing Rules
Rules are conditions that can be applied to Persons, Visitors and Doors to allow them to access
the section based on certain circumstances.
Rules Management helps you to Create/Edit/Delete different types of Rules. You can Assign or
Copy Rule as per requirement.
There are six types of rules. Each screen has search facility. In addition, user can print the grid
data. On clicking Print, default configured printer will be detected and will print the grid data.
There are two types of rules that can be added for Persons or Visitors in this section. They are:
• Fixed Rules: Fixed rules are assigned to multiple persons or visitors in the section.
• Custom Rules: Custom rules are customized and added only for an individual. You can copy
the rule and apply the rule to multiple persons/visitors.
In ACUS, you may publish rules from one section to another to enable access to persons in the
other section. On the Published Rules screen, there are two tabs. The Rules which are published
from the current logged on section appear in the Published From tab. The Rules which are
published from some other section to the current sections appear in the Published To tab.
This chapter covers:
Person Fixed Rule
Person Custom Rule
Person’s Visitor Host Rule
Visitor Fixed Rule
Visitor Custom Rule
Door Planning Rule
Published Rules Management
8.1 Person Fixed Rule
Person Fixed Rule is a fixed condition that can be applied to multiple person ID’s in this section.
The details displayed on the Person Fixed Rule window are:
• Rule Name – Displays the name of the Rule. User can sort this column.
• Who – User can sort and apply filer on this column.
• Action (Filter Values are: Can Access, Cannot Access). You can sort and apply filer on this
• Where – User can sort and apply filter on this column.
• When – Schedule name will be displayed in grid. User can sort this column.