RISCO Group ACUS User Manual
Page 115

User Manual for ACUS
4. Select the title for the person from the Title drop-down list. Enter the last name, first
name and middle name of the person in the Last Name, First Name and Middle
Name fields.
5. Select
Suffix from drop-down list.
6. Click
OK. The name appears in the Name field. When you enter the name, the person
name appears on the dialog box title too.
Note: The separator in this field is a space. If you do not use a space between the Last Name,
First Name and Middle Name, then ACUS accepts all text written in the field as Last Name.
For example, if you write AndrewGrantP, then ACUS will consider the entire text as the
Last Name only. You can also enter the name directly in the Name field.
The identification number is generated by the system. This is a unique number that distinguishes
each person. When you enter all the details and click Save, the system displays a message,” Do
you want to generate Identification No. automatically?”
7. Click
Yes. The identification number is generated in the field.
Note: You may also enter the Identification Number manually and save the person details. If the
number is not used before, the person details are saved. If the identification number is in
use by any other person, an alert message will appear indicating the situation.
8. Select your preferred language for the person from the Language drop-down list. The
languages available are:
• English
• French
• Italian
• Hebrew
Note: If you do not select any language, the person default language is the default language of
the computer.
9. Click
Browse from Disk to upload a photograph of the person, if available. You can
upload only JPEG, BMP and GIF image files.
10. Click
(Webcam). The Capture Image window appears.
11. Click Capture Image to capture the image of the person using a Webcam.
12. In the Validation field, click
. The Calendar appears.