Yaskawa i80M Connecting Manual User Manual
Page 248
The SNZ input does not affect the positioning commands.
(All positioning commands except the error detect OFF positioning com-
add the “error detect ON” condition to the termination con-
dition set. THREADING INPUT (CDZ #30045)
This input determines whether or not to perform threading during the G92 (threading cycle) or
G76 (complex threading cycle).
When the CDZ input is closed, threading is performed.
When the CDZ input is open, threading does not take place.
The control reads the CDZ input at the beginning of threading cycle to determine whether or
not to perform threading.
When the CDZ input is to be opened or closed with the M command or the like, you should
decide on the CDZ input status at the beginning of threading cycle, considering the delay
caused by input processing. EXTERNAL POWER ON INPUT
(1) If this input closes when the NC power is turned ON (the NCMX is ON) by performing the
power ON procedure, the servo power turns ON.
This input is equivalent to turning ON the servo power with the power supply incorporated
This input is effective when parameter pm5012 DO= 1.
When this parameter is selected, the power supply incorporated PB does not accomplish ser-
vo power turn-ON.
and above
Fig. 21.3 External Power On
Input Time Chart