SMA SI 3.0-11 Installation User Manual
Page 73

SMA Solar Technology AG
8 Commissioning
Installation Manual
• Range for the battery backup system function (BURes)
You specify the percentage of the battery capacity that is to be used for the battery backup system function on the
longest day.
The longer the days become, the more the SlfCsmp range automatically increases and the BURes range decreases.
The range for increased self-consumption reaches its maximum on the longest day:
= 100% − 262.04 PVResSOC − 262.03 BUResSOC − 262.02 BatResSOC − 262.01 ProtResSOC
This results in the seasonal pattern of the ranges.
Figure 22: State of charge ranges of the battery according to the time of year (example)
Parameter and explanation of the value
Behavior of the Sunny Island inverter
262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC
Range for increased self-consumption
The value of 262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC applies to
the shortest day of the year with seasonal
adjustment (see Section, page 69). If
seasonal adjustment is deactivated, only the value
of parameter 262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC is used and
the BURes range is increased accordingly.
The Sunny Island uses the battery for increased
262.04 PVResSOC
Range for maintaining the state of charge of the
The range size is consistent year-round.
Excess PV energy is used for conserving the battery
charge. If no excess PV energy is available, the
Sunny Island switches to energy saving mode.
When the state of charge reaches the BatRes range
limit, the Sunny Island charges the battery up to half
of the PVRes range from the utility grid. To do so, the
Sunny Island charges the battery with maximum
efficiency at 25% of the nominal power of the
Sunny Island inverter.