SMA SI 3.0-11 Installation User Manual
Page 72

8 Commissioning
SMA Solar Technology AG
Installation Manual
The following ranges result from deactivating the seasonal adjustment with the default values of the parameters:
☐ The system is not a battery backup system
1. Switch to expert mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see the Sunny Island inverter operating manual).
2. Set the following parameters for the battery usage:
✖ A parameter cannot be adjusted?
All ranges combined result in a value greater than 100%.
• Ensure that all ranges have been set correctly. Changing the Battery Usage Through Battery Backup Systems with
Increased Self-Consumption
Two ranges can be adjusted seasonally in battery backup systems with increased self-consumption:
• Range for increased self-consumption (MinSlfCsmp)
You determine the percentage of the battery capacity that is to be used for increased self-consumption on the shortest
day of the year.
Lead-acid battery
Lithium-ion battery
65% to 100%
30% to 100%
60% to 65%
25% to 30%
10% to 60%
3% to 25%
0% to 10%
0% to 3%
261.01 SlfCsmpIncEna
262.01 ProtResSOC
Range for protection during deep discharge as a percentage of the battery
262.02 BatResSOC
Range for protection against deep discharge on the longest day of the year as a
percentage of the battery capacity
The range remains consistent year-round when seasonal adjustment is deactivated.
262.04 PVResSOC
Range for maintaining the state of charge of the battery as a percentage of the
battery capacity
262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC
Range for increasing self-consumption on the shortest day of the year as a
percentage of the battery capacity
When seasonal adjustment is deactivated, this value is used year-round for
increased self-consumption.
261.02 SlfCsmpPosSel
North for northern hemisphere or South for southern hemisphere
261.03 Saisonenable
No for no seasonal adjustment or Yes for seasonal adjustment
Adjusting the default values
The parameters for battery usage are set automatically to reasonable values during basic configuration for the
respective system. The parameter values can be adjusted if there are special requirements for the system or the