8 commissioning, 1 basic configuration, 1 starting the quick configuration guide – SMA SI 3.0-11 Installation User Manual
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SMA Solar Technology AG
8 Commissioning
Installation Manual
8 Commissioning
8.1 Basic Configuration
8.1.1 Starting the Quick Configuration Guide
With the Quick Configuration Guide (QCG), you can configure the settings required for operation.
Step by step, the QCG requests the required settings for the system. Parameter setting for a cluster takes place centrally
at the master. All slaves adopt the configuration automatically.
☐ All circuit breakers in the AC distribution board must be open.
☐ All Sunny Island inverters must be closed.
☐ All Sunny Island inverters must be switched off.
1. Quickly close the load-break switch of the BatFuse and close the BatFuse (see BatFuse installation manual).
2. Start the Sunny Island:
• In single systems, press the activation button on the
Sunny Island.
• In a cluster, press and hold down the activation button on the
master until an acoustic signal sounds. As a result, all
Sunny Island inverters in the cluster are switched on.
3. When the Sunny Remote Control displays
and hold the button on the Sunny Remote Control (for operation
of the Sunny Remote Control inverter, see the Sunny Island
inverter operating manual).
☑ An acoustic signal sounds three times and the
Sunny Remote Control displays the QCG.
✖ The Sunny Remote Control does not display the QCG?
You have either pressed the button too late or not long enough.
• Press the off button.
• Repeat steps 2 and 3.
Configuration of the system using the QCG
The Sunny Island, which is connected to a Sunny Remote Control when starting to configure a new system,
automatically becomes the master.
• During configuration, only the master may be connected to a Sunny Remote Control.
• For a multicluster system, each cluster must be configured individually at the master.