HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 49x-05) User Manual
Page 17

New functions with 340 49x
Touch probe cycle 404 (SET BASIC ROTATION) was expanded by
parameter Q305 (Number in table) in order to write basic rotations
to the preset table (see User's Manual for Cycles)
Touch probe cycles 408 to 419: The TNC now also writes to line 0
of the preset table when the display value is set (see User's Manual
for Cycles)
Touch probe cycle 416 (Datum on Circle Center) was expanded by
parameter Q320 (safety clearance) (see User's Manual for Cycles)
Touch probe cycles 412, 413, 421 and 422: Additional parameter
Q365 (type of traverse) (see User's Manual for Cycles)
Touch probe cycle 425 (Measure Slot) was expanded by parameters
Q301 (Move to clearance height) and Q320 (setup clearance) (see
User's Manual for Cycles)
Touch probe cycle 450 (Save Kinematics) was expanded by input
option 2 (Display saving status) in parameter Q410 (mode) (see
User's Manual for Cycles)
Touch probe cycle 451 (Measure Kinematics) was expanded by
parameters Q423 (number of circular measurements) and Q432 (set
preset) (see User's Manual for Cycles)
New touch probe cycle 452 (Preset Compensation) simplifies the
measurement of tool changer heads (see User's Manual for Cycles)
New touch probe cycle 484 for calibrating the wireless TT 449 tool
touch probe (see User's Manual for Cycles)