Simple testing with crsc, Further testing, Cqx routers – Grass Valley CR Series v.3.2 User Manual

Page 80: Simple testing with crsc further testing

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amber communication lights at the Ethernet connectors of the routers and remote panel

3 Follow the steps for initial setup as described in the CRSC User’s Guide. This ensures that all

routers and remote panel modules on your network are properly connected.

To confirm that you have done this, choose the ‘CR Series Ethernet Settings’ page and exam-
ine the list of devices. All devices in your network should be present in the list with the IP
addresses that you have chosen.

4 In CRSC, choose the ‘Firmware Update’ page and upload current firmware to all routers and

remote panel modules. It takes about 2–3 minutes per device.

Report and correct any failures before proceeding.

Simple Testing with CRSC

Because CRSC requires at least some configuration of your routers and panels and because
CRSC networks involve a considerable amount of design, it is not possible to present a definite
procedure for testing your network. You may consider the following points to be guidelines.

1 Examine your router levels carefully in the ‘Set Up Router Levels’ page.

Ensure that there are 8 or fewer levels on a subnet and that the partition types and partition
ranges reflect your design goals.

It is easy to forget that adding a router adds a level. If you already have 8 levels and add a
router, CRSC allows it and you now have 9 levels. One level must be deleted. (You cannot
simple delete the level created by the router you just added. You must remove the router
from the network.)

Make sure that the added router’s level number is correct for your design.

2 Ensure that any AES router has video reference if it is required and that the partition type is

chosen appropriately.

You can test the operation of an AES router

or any router

in the ‘View Crosspoint’ page.

3 Ensure that any machine control router partition is set to ‘machine control reverse’. Other

partition types are allowed, but not yet implemented.

4 Panel configuration is fairly easy but can become complex if your system is complex. Be

aware of the differences between panel operating modes.

Further Testing

Perform a few multi-level takes and locks. See the CRSC User’s Guide for more information.

Report failures to Grass Valley customer service.

CQX Routers

A CQX system is restricted: one CQX router and one captive CQX panel and optionally a remote
CQX panel. If you have an automation system, the panel is not strictly required, but helpful for
testing. Your CQX router and panel may be on a network that includes a PC on which you can
run CRSC.

1 First ensure that your router and panel have power and are functioning.

2 Ensure that the router and remote panel module (if you have one) have non-zero rotary

switch settings for the frame ID.

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