Other 2ru panels, 43 cr series, User’s guide – Grass Valley CR Series v.3.2 User Manual

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CR Series

User’s Guide

Other 2RU Panels

The CP3232 control panel can connect to, and control, any of the 32×32 compact routers. It can
also connect to an RP32 remote panel module and control a network of mixed compact routers.
Figures 2-71 and 2-72 show the 32×32 control panel features as used in a stand-alone system:

Fig. 2-71: Front View of the CP3232

Fig. 2-72: Top View of the CP3232

In CRSC systems, the buttons are all configurable except the lock buttons.

The CP3204 control panel can connect to, and controls, a 2RU router and can also connect to an
RP32 remote panel module and control a network of mixed compact routers. Figure 2-73 shows
the 32×4 control panel features as used in a stand-alone system:

Fig. 2-73: Front View, CP3204

Dest. Lock Button

32 Source Buttons

32 Destination Buttons

Knurled Screws (2)




Panel Lock Button

Levels 1–4,

from left to right

Power Supply LEDs (2)

Knurled Screws (2)

Source and Destination Buttons

Function Buttons (12)

Connector to Router

Dest. Lock Button

32 Source Buttons

4 Destination Buttons

Knurled Screws (2)




Panel Lock Button

Levels 1–4,

from left to right

This manual is related to the following products: