Other cr series panels – Grass Valley CR Series v.3.2 User Manual
Page 50
Selection buttons are illuminated in green (high- or low-tally) in source mode (i.e., when the
source mode button is pressed. Selection buttons are illuminated in amber (high- or low-
tally) in destination mode (i.e., when the destination mode button is pressed.
Function buttons:
The 4 buttons (immediately below the lock buttons) select levels 1 to 4, level 1 being on the
left. Other function buttons are reserved for future use. (The level indicated on the panel is
determined by the rotary switch position of the router on which the panel is mounted.
The CP6464 in Stand-Alone Network
In a stand-alone CR6400 network, the CP6464 has the following characteristics:
The meaning of buttons is fixed and the mapping of buttons to I/O connectors is fixed:
In source mode, selection button N corresponds to source N. Source N comprises all inputs N
on all the routers in the CR6400 network.
In destination mode, selection button N corresponds to destination N. Destination N com-
prises all outputs N on all the routers in the CR6400 network.
Selection buttons are illuminated in green (high- or low-tally) in source mode (i.e., when the
source mode button is pressed. Selection buttons are illuminated in amber (high- or low-
tally) in destination mode (i.e., when the destination mode button is pressed.
Function buttons:
The 4 buttons (immediately below the lock buttons) select levels 1 to 4, level 1 being on the
left. Other function buttons are reserved for future use. (The levels are determined by the
rotary switch positions of the routers in the network.)
Other CR Series Panels
Stand-Alone Router Characteristics
In a single stand-alone router, control panels have the following characteristics:
The meaning of buttons is fixed and the mapping of buttons to I/O connectors is fixed:
For machine control routers:
SRC button n corresponds to port n.
DST button n corresponds to port n.
For AES routers:
SRC button n corresponds to stereo input n or to mono inputs (2n–1, 2n).
DST button n corresponds to stereo output n or to mono outputs (2n–1, 2n).
For analog audio routers:
The connections (8 for each DB25) are labeled on the router. The 16×16 router has 32
inputs and 32 outputs. The 32×32 router has 64 inputs and 64 outputs. To determine
which stereo pair n corresponds to connection m, use the following formula.
n = (m +1) / 2
[integer division]
If m is odd, it is the left channel. If m is even, it is the right channel.
SRC button n corresponds to stereo input n.
DST button n corresponds to stereo output n.