Grass Valley Jupiter v.1.0 User Manual
Page 50

Jupiter L-S Series Control Panels Installation and Operating Manual
Section 4 — Jupiter System Configuration
Input Set
- The name of the CP Input set that will be assigned to this panel.
The usual practice is to have one CP Input Set, containing the names of all
sources, applied to all panels. However, special CP Input Sets could be
created which list only selected sources; such a set could be used to prevent
certain panels from selecting specific sources.
For a button-per-source panels (L32, L64, S25, S50, S100) the CP Input
set can be used to assign sources to specific source buttons where the
first source in the table corresponds to the first button on the panel, etc.
In Panel
- This column is not used for L-S panels.
Output Set
- Output Set name. Creation of CP Output Sets is described in the
Jupiter CM-4000 Installation and Operating Manual.
For an S25 or S50 panel, with entry of a single destination name, the
panel will operate as a one-destination panel. The eight-button cluster
on the right-hand side of the panel will be used to control the first eight
levels of the router.
For an S25 or S50 panel, with selection of an Output Set with two, three,
or four destinations defined, the panel will operate as a two-, three-, or
four-destination panel respectively. With respect to the eight-button
cluster on the right-hand side of the panel, the top row of four buttons
will be used to select the destination; the bottom row of four buttons
will be used to control the first four levels of the router.
For an S25 or S50 panel, with selection of an Output Set with five, six,
seven, or eight destinations defined, the panel will operate as a five-,
six-, seven-, or eight-destination panel respectively. The eight-button
cluster on the right-hand side of the panel will be used to select the des-
For all other L-S series panels, if an actual CP Output Set is selected,
then the control panel will be able to control all the destinations listed
in that Set; depending on the contents of the set, this would allow for
full-matrix or multi-bus control. Alternatively, this field can be used to
enter the name of a single switcher destination to be controlled; the
source of the destination name is the Switcher Output table.
Out Panel
- This column is not used for L-S panels.
Level Set
- Select the CP Level Set name.
Override Set
- (Does not apply to S25 and S50. Optional for all other L-S
panels.) Select a CP Override set name. A CP Override set can be used to
define a set of source and level combinations that can be quickly applied to
a panel controlled destination. Up to 10 pages of overrides (80 total) may be
defined. The order in which the overrides are listed on the CP Override set
table will be the order in which they appear on the panel.