Ensemble Designs 9430 Flexible Matrix Router for 3G / HD / SD / ASI User Manual
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By Engineers, For Engineers
In 1989, a former television station engineer who loved
designing and building video equipment, decided to
start a new company. He relished the idea of taking
an existing group of equipment and adding a few
special pieces in order to create an even more elegant
ensemble. So, he designed and built his first product and
the company was born.
Focused On What You Need
As the company has grown, more former TV station
engineers have joined Ensemble Designs and this wealth
of practical experience fuels the company’s innovation.
Everyone at the company is focused on providing the
very equipment you need to complete your ensemble
of video and audio gear. We offer those special pieces
that tie everything together so that when combined, the
whole ensemble is exactly what you need.
Notably Great Service for You
We listen to you – just tell us what you need and we’ll
do our best to build it. We are completely focused on
you and the equipment you need. Being privately held
means we don’t have to worry about a big board of
directors or anything else that might take attention away
from real business. And, you can be sure that when you
call a real person will answer the phone. We love this
business and we’re here to stay.
Bricks and Mortar of Your Facility
The bricks and mortar of a facility include pieces like
up/downconverters, audio embedders, video converters,
routers, protection switches and SPGs for SD, HD and
3Gb/s. That’s what we’re focused on, that’s all we do
– we make proven and reliable signal processing and
infrastructure gear for broadcasters worldwide, for you.
Who is Ensemble Designs?
Avenue frames handle 270 Mb/s,
1.5 Gb/s and 3 Gb/s signals,
audio and MPEG signals. Used
worldwide in broadcast, mobile,
production, and post.
We’re focused on
processing gear–
3G/HD/SD/ASI video,
audio and optical modules.
Come on by and visit us.
Drop in for lunch and a tour!
Shipped with care to
television broadcasters
and video facilities all
over the world.
Clearly, Ensemble wants to be in the broadcast equipment business. It’s so rare anymore to find a company of this
caliber that has not been gobbled up by a large corporation. They are privately held so they don’t have to please the
money people. They really put their efforts into building products and working with customers.
I’m really happy with the Avenue products and Ensemble’s service, and even more important my engineers are happy.
We’ve continued to upgrade the product and add more cards. We will be rebuilding our production control room and
we will use Avenue again.
Don McKay, Vice President Engineering, Oregon Public Broadcasting