2 gv performer ascii protocol, 1 protocol requirements – Ensemble Designs 9430 Flexible Matrix Router for 3G / HD / SD / ASI User Manual
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Avenue 9430 Flexible Matrix Router
Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide
7.2 GV Performer ASCII Protocol
The Grass Valley Performer ASCII protocol is a serial protocol used by the Performer™ 10 x 1 Routing
Switcher. For installations that already support this protocol, this is a good choice to minimize
programming changes to the automation system.
The implementation of this protocol has been adapted as appropriate to reflect the features in the
9430 Router.
7.2.1 Protocol Requirements
Sources and destinations are numbered starting at 1.
The 9430 Router supports source and destination numbers beyond the limit specified in the
original protocol. However, any valid source or destination in the 9430 Router can be specified
in this implementation of the protocol.
The maximum byte count for Cmd Data is 251 bytes (FBH).
Multiple commands may be sent within a single message.
All digits in messages are ASCII hex digits. For example, a message length specified with a high
digit of ‘1’ and a low digit of ‘2’ represents the hexadecimal number 12H, or decimal 18.
ASCII hex digits are not case specific. The 9430 Router will accept upper or lower case ASCII hex
All messages begin with a carriage return character (0DH).
All line feeds (0AH), spaces (20H), and nulls (00H) are ignored within messages, and are not
included in the message length calculation.
The Performer Switch 1 Address bytes in messages are ignored; however, they must be legal
ASCII hex digits from ‘0’ to ‘F’.
Errors of any kind (e.g., missing parameters, unexpected characters, out of range values, etc.)
result in discarding the remaining portion of the message at the point of the error.
The P, C, R, and Q commands are not supported and will be ignored.
No response is sent from the 9430 Router because none of the supported commands require a