Westermo PMI-110-F2G User Manual
Page 75

This page allows configure the Region Name and its Revision, mapping the VLAN
ion. Maximum length: 32 characters.
ew MST Instance
to Instance and check current MST Instance configuration. The network can be
divided virtually to different Regions. The switches within the Region should have
the same Region and Revision leve.
Region Name: The name for the Reg
Revision: The revision for the Region. Range: 0‐65535; Default: 0)
Once you finish your configuration, click on Apply to apply your set
pping the VLAN to Instance and assign priority to the instance.
Instance ID: Select the Instance ID, the available number is 1‐15.
This page allows ma
Before mapping VLAN to Instance, you should create VLAN and assign the
member ports first. Please refer to the VLAN setting page.
VLAN Group: Type the VLAN ID you want mapping to the instance
Instance Priority: Assign the priority to the instance.
ur settings.
After finish your configuration, click on Add to apply yo
urrent MST Instance Configuration
This page allows you to see the current MST Instance Configuration you added.
Click on “Apply” to apply the setting. You can “Remove” the instance or
“Reload“ the configuration display in this page.