4 system, System, Figure 3.13 system configuration – RLE FMS V.1.13 User Manual

Page 62: Table 3.6, System configuration options

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FMS User Guide



Web Interface Configuration

3.4.4 System

The System link lets you configure many of the FMS’s home page display options.

Figure 3.13

System Configuration



MAC Address

This field displays the MAC address, which is assigned to the FMS

by the manufacturer. This field is uneditable, and is intended for

reference only.

IP Address

The FMS’s IP address. If necessary, adjust the IP address here.

System Name

Designate a name for the FMS. This name appears on the upper

left corner of the web interface, under the main horizontal menu.

The system name is also included as part of email notifications.

Web Title Bar Text

You can control the text that appears in the title bar of the web

browser, and also on the tab for the web interface’s web page.

Web Refresh Rate

The web refresh rate is the amount of time the system waits until it

updates the web interface with current data. Typical setting are

between 15 and 30 seconds.

DO NOT set the refresh rate between 1 and 5 seconds. This can

cause the screen to freeze or lock up.

If the refresh rate is set to 0 the FMS will not refresh at all. Users

must set a refresh rate in order for the system to automatically


Default setting: 0 seconds

Table 3.6

System Configuration Options