RLE FMS V.1.13 User Manual
Page 145

FMS User Guide
Advanced Communications - Modbus, BACnet, and Telnet
Register Acquisition Designate how the register should be acquired.
Enter the Register Number for the data to be read. The Register
Number is located on the Slave Units Register Map; see
“Slave Register Map” on page 155
Register Type
Select the Data Type of the Register.
Unsigned Int
Signed Int
Alarm Bit/ ON= ALARM
Alarm Bit/ OFF=ALARM
Status Bit - No Log
Status Bit - Logged
Coil Status
Input Status
NOTE: Refer to the manufacturer’s equipment guide for the register
numbers and the data type.
Select a multiplier for the data value.
Custom Gain
If you’d like a gain to be applied to the value, designate that here.
Allows users to fine-tune analog values. Offset adjustment may be
required by certain manufacturers.
Applies to Data Types, Alarm Bit, Status Bit-Logged and Status Bit -
No Log. Selects which bit is read from the 16 or 32 bit register
Designate the correct type of read holding/input register.
Word Order
Applies to Data Types Long and Float. Long and Float Data Types
read two consecutive registers. The word order selects if the first
register is the larger or smaller part of the number.
Enter a label to describe the Data Point.
UOM/Map Label
Specify the unit of measure you are using for this specific point.
Log Index
Applies to Data Types Signed Int, Unsigned Int, Long and Float.
The FMS has 232 entries reserved for logging (Min, Hour and Day
Logs). Enter a value of 1 to 232 if the point is to be internally logged
on the FMS. Each register to be logged requires a unique entry
UOM Conversion
Convert a unit of measure from the way it is communicated by the
device to the way you would like to have it displayed.
deg C - deg F (1,10,100,1000 Scale)
deg C - deg F (1/32 Scale
kPa - PSI (1/8, 1/28 Scale)
Enumerated Label
Sets of enumerated labels can be configured from the Enumerated
Labels Configuration link on the bottom of the Modbus/Snmp/
Bacnet Slave units page. If you have a label set configured,
designate which one you’d like to use here.
Table 4.6
Individual Modbus Register Configuration Options