RLE FMS V.1.13 User Manual
Page 148

FMS User Guide
Advanced Communications - Modbus, BACnet, and Telnet
Object Type
Select the appropriate object type:
Long Integer (32 bits)
Float (Converted Display String)
Select a multiplier for the data value.
Custom Gain
If you’d like a gain to be applied to the value, designate that here.
Allows users to fine-tune analog values. Offset adjustment may be
required by certain manufacturers.
Enter a label to describe the Data Point.
UOM/Map Label
Specify the unit of measure you are using for this specific point.
Log Index
Applies to Data Types Signed Int, Unsigned Int, Long and Float.
The FMS has 232 entries reserved for logging (Min, Hour and Day
Logs). Enter a value of 1 to 232 if the point is to be internally logged
on the FMS. Each register to be logged requires a unique entry
UOM Conversion
Convert a unit of measure from the way it is communicated by the
device to the way you would like to have it displayed.
deg C - deg F (1,10,100,1000 Scale)
deg C - deg F (1/32 Scale
kPa - PSI (1/8, 1/28 Scale)
Enumerated Label
Sets of enumerated labels can be configured from the Enumerated
Labels Configuration link on the bottom of the Modbus/Snmp/
Bacnet Slave units page. If you have a label set configured,
designate which one you’d like to use here.
Alarm Type
Designate which type of alarm this will be.
Alarm Thresholds:
High 2, High1, Low1,
Set high and low - or major and minor - thresholds for alarm analog
alarm values being read by these points.
Enumerated Active
If you’d like to designate an enumerated active value, do so here.
Snmp Trap
The SNMP/Syslog page allows you to configure SNMP trap
recipients. Once those are configured, you can designate which IP
addresses should receive traps for this register.
Map Box Size
Customize the size of the mapped object. By default, the height of
the object, as it appears on the map, is approximately 20 pixels,
and the width automatically adjusts to the length of the text. This
setting allows users to expand the size of the object to fill a defined
Map Coordinate
Fine tune the location of the object on the map. Refer to
(Facility Mapping)” on page 114
for further information.
Graphical Mapping
Designate the device’s location on the FMS graphical map. Refer to
“Map (Facility Mapping)” on page 114
for further information.
Test Map
View the mapped location of the point you’re currently configuring.
Table 4.7
Individual Snmp Register Configuration Options