Robot-in-operation (output), 5 robot-in-operation (output) – Denso RC5 User Manual
Page 51
3.2.5 Robot-in-operation (Output)
(1) Function
This signal outputs to the external device that the robot is in operation.
(2) Terminal number
No.2 of connector CN10.
(3) Usage
The signal is used to light the robot operating indicator lamp of an external
operating panel.
Since the signal is turned OFF with STOP ALL PROGRAMS, outputs to
the external device that all programs are stopped.
(4) ON conditions
The signal will be turned ON during execution of the program and also
while in the WAIT STATE with a condition branch or timer command.
(5) OFF conditions
The signal will be turned OFF with STOP ALL PROGRAMS.
Caution: STOP ALL PROGRAMS means the operation of the ROBOT
STOP or STOP button of the operating panel or teach pendant
TASKS) and ROBOT STOP inputs.