Gasboy MCE300 User Manual
Page 35

This command is used to input the actual card data into the card data file.
The option to reset the card data file appears at the beginning of the command. You should clear
the card data file if you no longer need the data in the file. Reset of the card data file eliminates
any previously loaded card data. It also resets the TOTAL CARDS IN DATA FILE count to zero.
When you request a reset, you are prompted to verify that the file should be reset.
Typing Y at the reset prompt will reset the card data file after requesting verification that the file
should be reset; typing N at the reset prompt does not reset the card data file. Typing N at the
verification prompt cancels the request.
The data that is required for entry of each card depends upon what was loaded in the
configuration. Four types of characters are involved with loading card data. They are:
Constant Characters
Characters that are automatically printed for each card. They will be the same on every card.
Incrementing/Decrementing Numbers
Characters that are automatically printed for each card. They automatically increment or
decrement for each card.
Variable Characters
Characters that vary for each card and are loaded at the time of card data entry.
Separate fields. The location of these spaces is determined by the configuration; they print
When loading Variable Characters, the unit accepts a numeric character from 0-9, an A, C, or E,
and a - (hyphen) for a field separator. When the last character of data for a particular card is
loaded, the unit will not accept any more data but waits for one of these three responses:
CR (Carriage Return)
Indicates the data displayed is correct and should be entered into the card data file. Upon
the entry of a CR, the card data is saved, the CARDS IN DATA FILE count is incremented by
1, and the unit prepares for the entry of data for the next card. Any incrementing or
decrementing numbers are updated at this time.
BSP (Backspace)
Indicates the data displayed is incorrect and should not be entered into the card data file.
Upon entry of a BSP, the data entered for the card is ignored and the unit prints DELETE and
awaits the next response. If a CR is entered as the next response the unit prepares for entry
of the next card. All incrementing and/or decrementing numbers remain sequential, that is,
there will be no missing numbers due to the entry of a BSP. If a BSP is entered as the next
response, the unit prints the data from the previously loaded card, prints DELETE behind it
and awaits the next response. This data for this card is erased from the card data file and the
CARDS IN DATA FILE count is decremented by one. You can also use the BSP until the
beginning of the card data file is reached, at which time the unit will respond NO DATA IN
CARD FILE. You can also enter a BSP before all data for a card is loaded. On data
terminals without a BSP key, press CTRL H for backspace.