Gasboy MCE300 User Manual

Page 27

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This command is used to configure the MCE 300 software to your specifications. The
configuration is stored in battery-backed memory so it will not be lost when power to the unit is
turned off. In most cases your specifications will not change; therefore, the configuration should
only need to be loaded when the unit is used for the first time. In cases where encoding for a dual
card layout is necessary, minor changes to the configuration may be necessary for the encoding of
employee or vehicle cards.

You should have a copy of your card layout by the unit when loading the configuration. It will also
be necessary to know how cards will be encoded, that is what type of number sequences will be
used, etc.

When loading the configuration, the unit may in some cases print the data loaded for a particular
field and request if a change is to be made, or require that the data be loaded. This is contingent
upon changes that have been made earlier in the configuration. Anytime the present data is
acceptable, you may simply press the carriage return key (CR) to accept the data presently
loaded. The type of responses in the following text and examples will assume we are totally
reloading the configuration.

The next page shows samples of Series 1000 and CFN card layouts. The following pages show a
step-by-step loading of the configuration along with an example. The sample configuration was
loaded as a single card layout.