Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF User Manual

Page 91

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Remote Operation

Menu Bar



Table 4-2. Menu Bar Options

Option Description


This menu gives access to the file handling, and printing functions of this
software. For a complete description see the Data and File Handling section in
this chapter.


The communications menu allows selection of the communications port and the
serial data mode. For a complete description see the Serial Communications
section in this chapter.


The plot menu provides access to the plot re-scaling functions. It allows
changing of the plot on any of the monitors, and turn on or off the automatic re-
scaling. For a complete description see the Plots section in this chapter.


The statistics menu gives access to the clear function for any or all statistics.
The CLEAR ALL function clears the statistics for all of the signals at once, to
clear individual signals select the option with its name.


The zeroing menu allows manual zeroing any or all of the signals. The ZERO
function zeros all of the signals except oxygen. To zero any of the
individual signals, select its name from the ZERO menu. Airway pressure and
flow are always zeroed at the same time.


The setup menu provides access to most of the user setup features found in
the Analyzer.

Table 4-3. Setup Submenu Options

Option Description

Flow Port

Use this menu to select which flow port to use. The checked option is the
currently selected flow port.


The Zeroing menu is used to select a zeroing mode, either automatic or
manual. The current zeroing mode is checked. See the Zeroing section later in
this chapter.

Breath Detect

Use the breath-detect menu to switch breath detection modes, and to set the
breath detect threshold for the current flow port.

Gas Settings

The gas settings function brings up the GAS SETTINGS dialog box. See the
Gas Settings section later in this chapter.

Barometric Pressure

This function brings up the barometric pressure dialog box. Enter the local
barometric pressure in mmHg and click OK to calibrate the barometric pressure

Signal Units

The signal units function brings up a dialog box for entering the desired units for
the signals. See Signal Selection under the Plots section of this chapter.

Print Header

The print header function sets the print header in the Analyzer. See the Printing
section in this chapter.


Accesses the VT for Windows help file