Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF User Manual
Page 80

VT Plus HF
Operators Manual
The soft keys for the RT200 screen are:
– displays a screen for setting the baud rate, number of data bits, and the
terminator character:
These settings affect only the RT200 emulation mode and not the other serial
communication modes. The default settings are 9600 baud, 7 bits, and a termination
character of carriage return only.
– toggles the RT200 peak-detect mode on and off, for flow and pressure signals;
when in peak-detect mode, the peak of the current signal (flow or pressure) is shown for
each breath
– resets the RT200 mode, turning off any active functions, and resetting the
special functions
– displays a menu that allows the user to start a RT200 function and enter the
special function values associated with that RT200 function. The menu is function
sensitive, and the options in the menu correlate to the RT200 special functions 00, 01, F1,
and F2. The values set in this menu include those shown below: