Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF User Manual

Page 135

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Error Messages



Table B-1. Error Messages (cont.)

Error Message


Corrective Action

Zero Time Out

A flow zero isn’t complete after
150 attempts.

Attempt to zero again. Ensure
that no flow or pressure is on
either the high- or low-flow ports.
If message does not go away
after several attempts (with no
flow or pressure applied), call

Transmit Buffer Overflow

More than 1000 characters are
waiting to be sent.

RS232 serial communications is
probably awaiting hardware
handshaking. If using a terminal
program, ensure the hardware
handshaking is enabled. Ensure
that the RS232 cable is the
cable supplied with the Analyzer.

No Printer Selected

Users try to print with no printer

Select a printer using the setup

Printer Not Selected

The printer’s select line doesn’t
stay high.

Ensure the correct printer type is
selected. Refer to your printer's
user manual to ensure the
printer is setup correctly for the
printer language set on the
Analyzer (i.e., HP PCL/3). Note:
your printer may require special
dip switch settings for a given
printer language support. Ensure
the printer cable is correctly

Printer Time-out

A time-out occurs while trying to
write to the printer.

Ensure the correct printer type is
selected. Refer to your printer's
user manual to ensure the
printer is setup correctly for the
printer language set on the
Analyzer (i.e., HP PCL/3). Note:
your printer may require special
dip switch settings for a given
printer language support. Ensure
the printer cable is correctly