Flowserve 3400IQ Digital Positioner User Manual

Page 43

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Logix 3400IQ Digital Positioner FCD LGENIM3402-00 – 0/07

Block Descriptions
Each block contains parameters that are standard Fieldbus Foundation-defined parameters. In other
words, the parameters are pre-defined as part of the FF protocol for all fieldbus devices. Additionally,
parameters exist which are defined by Flowserve and are specific to the Valtek Logix 3400IQ digital

The following block descriptions list the predefined FF parameters included as part of the block as
well as the Flowserve-defined parameters. A complete description for the FF parameters is provided
in the Fieldbus Foundation document FF-891, Foundation Specification Function Block Application
Process Part 2. The Flowserve parameter descriptions are included here as part of the block

Block Parameter Column Descriptions
Tables on the following pages list all of the block parameters contained in each of the block objects.
Table 8.2 explains the column headings for the parameter listings.

Table 8.2 Block Parameter List Column Description

Column Name



A number that corresponds to the sequence of the parameter in the block

parameter segment of the object dictionary. See Object Dictionary, Section 8.16.


The mnemonic character designation for the parameter.

Data Type / Structure

Data type or structure for the parameter value:
1. Data types consist of simple variables or arrays and are:
Unsigned8, Unsigned16 Unsigned32 - An unsigned variable of 8, 16 or 32


Floating point - Floating point variable.
Visible string - Visible string variable.
Octet string - Octet string variable.
Bit string - Bit string variable.
2. Data Structures consist of a record which may be:
Value and Status - float - Value and status of a floating point parameter.
Scaling - Static data used to scale floating point values for display


Mode - Bit strings for target, actual, permitted and normal modes.
Access permissions - Access control flags for access to block parameters.
Alarm - float - Data that describes floating point alarms.
Alarm - discrete - Data that describes discrete alarms.
Event - update - Data that describes a static revision alarm.
Alarm - summary - Data that summarizes 16 alerts.
Simulate - Float - Simulate and transducer floating point value and status,

and a simulate enable/disable discrete.

Test - Function block test read/write data.


Indicates the type of memory where the parameter is stored:
S - Static — Writing to the parameter changes the static revision counter

parameter ST_REV

N - Non-volatile — Parameter must be retained during a power cycle. It is not

under the static update code.

D - Dynamic — The value is calculated by the block, or read from another block.

Default Value

Default values for the block parameters. These are the values that are used

• the FBAP is initialized for the first time, or
• selecting restart with defaults of the resource block parameter RESTART.