Typedef struct jsobject jsobject, Typedef struct jsval jsval, Typedef enum { js_false = 0, js_true = 1 } jsbool – Adobe Extending Flash Professional CS5 User Manual

Page 556: The c-level api

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C-Level Extensibility

Last updated 5/2/2011

typedef struct JSObject JSObject

A pointer to this opaque data type passes to the C-level function. This data type represents an object, which might be
an array object or some other object type.

typedef struct jsval jsval

An opaque data structure that can contain an integer, or a pointer to a float, string, or object. Some functions in the
API can read the values of function arguments by reading the contents of a


structure, and some can be used to

write the function’s return value by writing a



typedef enum { JS_FALSE = 0, JS_TRUE = 1 } JSBool

A simple data type that stores a Boolean value.

The C-level API

The C-level extensibility API consists of the

JSBool (*JSNative)

function signature and the following functions:

JSBool JS_DefineFunction()

unsigned short *JS_ValueToString()

JSBool JS_ValueToInteger()

JSBool JS_ValueToDouble()

JSBool JS_ValueToBoolean()

JSBool JS_ValueToObject()

JSBool JS_StringToValue()

JSBool JS_DoubleToValue()

JSVal JS_BooleanToValue()

JSVal JS_BytesToValue()

JSVal JS_IntegerToValue()

JSVal JS_ObjectToValue()

unsigned short *JS_ObjectType()

JSObject *JS_NewArrayObject()

long JS_GetArrayLength()

JSBool JS_GetElement()

JSBool JS_SetElement()

JSBool JS_ExecuteScript()

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