Adobe Extending Flash Professional CS5 User Manual
Page 241
flash object (fl)
Last updated 5/2/2011
Read-only; an array of strings that represent the various types of documents that
can be created.
Read-only; an array of strings that represent the file extensions of the types of
documents that can be created.
Read-only; an array of strings that represent the various types of templates that
can be created.
Read-only; an array of Document objects (see
the documents (FLA files) that are currently open for editing.
that an extensible tool should use when the
user wants to temporarily draw while dragging.
A string that contains a list of items in the global ActionScript 3.0 External library
path, which specifies the location of SWC files used as runtime shared libraries.
A string that specifies the path to the Flex SDK folder, which contains bin,
frameworks, lib, and other folders.
Returns an array of generic objects corresponding to the list of installed Flash
Players in the document Property inspector.
Returns the five character code identifying the locale of the application’s user
A string that contains a list of items in the global ActionScript 3.0 Library path,
which specifies the location of SWC files or folders containing SWC files.
, which provides methods for matrix and point
Read-only; an array of the complete filenames in the Most Recently Used (MRU)
list that the Flash authoring tool manages.
Read-only; an array of the file types in the MRU list that the Flash authoring tool
A string that corresponds to the global Classpath setting in the ActionScript 2.0
Settings dialog box.
An integer that sets the disk cache size limit preference.
A boolean value that sets whether publish cache is enabled.
An integer property that sets the maximum size for the memory cache entry
An integer that sets the memory cache size limit preference.
An integer that represents the object drawing mode that is enabled.
Read-only; reference to the
Read-only; a
Read-only; a string that represents the path of the currently running JSFL script,
expressed as a file:/// URI.
A string that contains a list of items in the global ActionScript 3.0 Source path,
which specifies the location of ActionScript class files.
An array of registered swfPanel objects (see