Encode and export video and audio – Adobe Media Encoder User Manual
Page 69

Encode and export video and audio
Encode using presets
Encode using custom settings
Monitor encoding progress
Parallel encoding
Use preview files from Adobe Premiere Pro
After adding video and audio items to the encoding queue, you can encode and export them from the queue using presets or custom settings.
Encode using presets
1. In Adobe Media Encoder, add items to the queue of items to encode. For information, see Add and manage items in the encoding queue.
2. Choose a video format most suitable for your output from the Format pop-up menu.
3. Choose a video preset most suitable for your output from the Presets pop-up menu.
4. Choose a location for your export by clicking the text for Output File, and then finding the directory or folder for your exports in the Save As
dialog box. Click Save.
5. Allow encoding to start automatically, or press the Start Queue button. You can also click the triangle button in the upper right of the window.
Your files will begin to be encoded to your desired format, using your chosen preset, and in the location that you chose.
Encode using custom settings
1. In Adobe Media Encoder, add items to the queue of items to encode. For information, see Add and manage items in the encoding queue.
2. Select one or more items in the queue and open the Export Settings dialog box by choosing Edit > Export Settings. You can also right-click
on the file and select Export Settings.
3. Set export options. For more information, see Export settings reference.
4. After setting options, click OK. With the Export Settings dialog box closed, click Start Queue to begin encoding your files. You can also click
the triangle button in the upper right of the window.
You can close the Current Encode panel for optimum performance during encoding. View progress of the encoding process with the progress
bar in the Queue panel instead.
You can do any of the following in the Export Settings dialog box: