Other functions, Print support, Fig. 5.1.1. - print manager window – Dataman 520 Series User Manual
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DATAMAN oscilloscope
User’s Guide
5. Other functions
5.1. Print Support
To open the print manager window, click the “Print” item on the
. The
black and white printing can be turned on/off in the options window (please see
chapter 4.14.1.).
Fig. 5.1.1. - Print Manager Window
On the left side of the window the page is previewed as it will be printed. Several
important parts of the page are highlighted. The lines marking these parts will not be
printed. The red line outlines the printable area of the page. The selected object is
marked by a black dashed outline.
To select an object click on it. You can move it into a desired position by dragging it.
To change the size of a chosen object, drag its outline.
In the lower right corner of the window the following information on the properties of
the selected object is shown:
– Name of the object
“Position” – Coordinates of the upper-left corner of the object on the page in
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