Software, Administration – Turning Technologies TurningPoint 5 User Manual

Page 54

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TurningPoint 5 for Mac



Software preferences apply to the overall TurningPoint software and are grouped into two sections:


Shortcut Keys


Administration settings refer to preferences that apply to the entire TurningPoint application.

Allow User Messaging

Allows participants to send feedback to the presenter. Only participants with ResponseCard
NXT or ResponseWare have the option to send feedback.

Automatically Check
for Updates

When checked, TurningPoint will notify the user that an updated version of the software is
available for download.

Automatically Save

Sessions are automatically saved to the default save location when sessions are reset or the
polling environment is closed.

Backup Sessions

When checked, a backup session is automatically saved when a user does not save a session


Backup Session Purge - Backup sessions are automatically deleted after the user-
specified number of days.

Default Save Location

Determines a custom location to save the session files.

Reset Software
Options Upon Close

When checked, all preferences and software options (any items saved to memory) revert to their
original state when TurningPoint is closed. Administration and Response Devices preferences
are not affected.