To reset, If the unit cannot be turned on – Aiwa XR-H330MD User Manual

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if the unit fails to perform as described in these Operating
instructions, check the following guide.


There is no sound.

• Is the AC cord connected properly?
• Is there a bad connection? (-► page 4)
• There may be a short circuit in the speaker terminals.

Disconnect the AC cord, then correct the speaker


• Was an incorrect function button pressed?

The display window becomes dark.

• Timer recording is performed when the power economizing

mode is set to ON.

Adjust the brightness of the display window(-> page 34).

Sound is emitted from one speaker only.
• Is the other speaker disconnected?
An erroneous display or a malfunction occurs.

-» Reset the unit as stated below.

The indication of the display window moves when the
power is off.
• The demo display functions.

-r Press ◄►. The demo display goes off.

The power shuts off though you do not turn off the power.

• The power economizing mode is set to ON.

If fhe tape, CD, and MD are stopped and there is no audio

input from any connected external equipment for f 0 minutes,

the power shuts off automatically.

Set the power economizing mode to OFF (-♦ page 34).

There is constant, wave-like static.

• is the antenna connected properly? (-» page 5)
• Is the signal weak?

-» Connect an outdoor antenna.

The reception contains noise interferences or the sound

is distorted.
• is the system picking up external noise or multipath distortion?

-■> Change the orientation of the antenna.
-> Move the unit away from other electrical appliances.


The tape does not run.

• Is deck 2 in pause mode? (-► page 10)

The sound is off-balance or not adequately high.

• Is the playback head dirty? (-► page 37)

Recording Is not possible.

• Is the erasure prevention tab on the tape broken off? (-> page



• Is the recording head dirty? (-* page 37)
Erasure is not possible.
• Is the erasure head dirty? (-» page 37)
• Is a metal tape or Cr02 tape being used?
High frequency sound is not emitted.
• Is the recording/playback head dirty? (-> page 37)


The CD player does not play.

• Is the disc correctly inserted? (-► page 12)
• Is the disc dirty? (-* page 37)
• Is the lens affected by condensation?

-► Wait for a few hours and try again.


The MD recorder can not be operated.

• Is there a disc inside the unit?

—> Insert a disc.

• Is the lens affected by condensation?

-* Wait for a few hours and try again.

Sound is noisy.

• Is the unit placed close to an object with a strong magnetic

field such as a television?
-* Move the unit away from the television.

Sound is intermittent.
• Is the unit placed on an unstable surface with a lot of vibration?

-► Place the unit on a stable surface with no vibration.

Recording is not possible.

• Is CD ► MD pressed when attempting to record from a source

other than a CD?

• Is a prerecorded disc inserted?

Change to a recordable disc.

• Is the disc protected by the record-protected tab on the disc?

(-» page 23)






To reset

If an unusual condition occurs in the display window or the

cassette decks, reset the unit as follows.

1 Press POWER to turn off the power.
2 Press POWER to turn the power back on while pressing ■.

Everything stored in memory after purchase is cancelled, and

a demo display will appear.

3 Press POWER again to turn on the power.

If the power cannot be turned off in step 1 because of a malfunction,

reset by disconnecting the AC cord, and connect it again. Then

carry out step 2.

If the unit cannot be turned on
Disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet, wait for a few
seconds, and re-connect the power cord to the AC outlet. Then

try to turn the unit on again.