Potter PFC-6030 User Manual
Page 69

PFC-6030 • 5403595 • Rev C • 2/13
P-Link E-mail Notification Requirements
The following table lists the necessary hardware and Internet connectivity requirements to use P-Link functions, such as DACT
and e-mail notification.
P-Link E-mail Notification Requirements
Table 13:
10/100 Mbps ethernet Network
IP Address Protocol
DHCP or Static IP (factory default is DHCP)
Outbound Connectivity
Must have outbound access to Internet (mail server connections only).
Port 10025 for SMTP
Port 110 for POP3
Inbound Connectivity
None required or utilized.
Connecting the Panel to a Network
In order to use the e-mail feature, the panel must be connected to a network with Internet connectivity. This is usually accom-
plished by installing an ethernet drop near the panel. The IP address can be set one of two ways:
The panel has a built in DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and will ask for an IP address from the
“Host Computer”.
The installer or the Network Administrator may set the
IP address using the software's Static IP function.
Setting the IP Address
Figure 86.
System e-mail communications and functions are intended for informational reporting purposes only. They are intended to be used as a
convenience function. e-mail communications should NOT be used as a primary means of reporting emergency information.
Set the IP address using
the Static IP function
Set the IP address using
the DHCP function...or