Chapter 8. water heater management, 1 general description, Chapter 8 – AERCO Innovation (G-14-2265 and above) User Manual
Page 113: Water heater management
Innovation Water Heaters Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, NY 10913
Page 113 of
Phone: 800-526-0288
PRI: 11/25/2014
Some of the descriptions and procedures provided in this Chapter may
duplicate information provided in previous Chapters of this manual. This is
being done to minimize referencing back to these descriptions and
procedures and organize all WHM related information into a single
Chapter. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the basic C-More Menu
processing procedures used throughout this manual.
The On-Board-Water-Heater Management system II (WHM II) is an integrated C-MORE feature
designed to stage and coordinate multiple AERCO Innovation water heaters while maximizing
operational efficiency. The WHM software code resides in each C-More that is part of the
system. The WHMII can control up to eight (8) water heaters in parallel. Each water heater
controlled by the WHM must be equipped with an Actuator-Controlled Sequencing Valve, P/N
92093. These valves are installed on the cold water inlet on each water heater being controlled
by the WHM (see Figure 8-2).
The C-More Water Heater Management System (WHM) is designed to ensure that all water
heaters in the system operate at maximum efficiency. This is accomplished by monitoring the
Air/Fuel Valve position (VP) of all water heaters that have their sequencing valves open. Units
with open sequencing valves are called enabled units. Units with closed sequencing valves are
called disabled units. Units which are unable to function, due to a fault or user intervention, are
called offline units. When there is minimal or no demand for hot water, the sequencing valve for
one unit will be open. As system load increases, the WHM will open the sequencing valves on
additional heaters. A simplified block diagram of multiple water heaters connected to a WHM is
shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1. Simplified Block Diagram - Water Heater Management (WHM)