Af-redistribute tab—detailed description, Redistribute information – Cisco 12000/10700 V3.1.1 User Manual
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Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing
BGP Address Family Configuration
Figure 14-25 BGP Address-Family Configuration Window—AF-Redistribute Tab
Step 3
Choose the Chassis and the Address Family from the left side of the window.
AF-Redistribute Tab—Detailed Description
The AF-Redistribute tab displays a single area: Redistribute Information.
Redistribute Information
Protocol—Displays the protocol whose routes are redistributed by BGP. The redistribute configuration
causes the corresponding routes to be redistributed into BGP.
AS/Tag—Indicates the Process ID of the redistributed protocol. A Positive Integer will indicate the
process id of the redistributed protocol; a character string will indicate the ISO routing area tag.
IS-IS Route Level—Specifies the routing level of ISIS Protocol.
Redistribution Metric—Specifies the metric used for redistributed routes for this address family.
Add/Remove AF Redistribute—Clicking on the “Add/Remove AF Redistribute” button opens the BGP
Address Family - Redistribute Configuration window.