Ip standard tab – Cisco 12000/10700 V3.1.1 User Manual
Page 299
Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS
Access List Configuration
IP Standard Tab
The IP Standard tab displays a single IP Standard area:
Figure 11-3 Access List Configuration—IP Standard Tab
IP Standard
The IP Standard area displays five fields:
Access Action—Action to be taken if the conditions are matched. This value will be either deny or
Host Type—Host type indicates the hosts for which the access action are available. Possible values for
this field include the following:
Any—All hosts
Host Name—Specified host name with wild card bits
A.B.C.D—Specified IP address with wild card bits
Host Hostname—Only the specified hostname
Host A.B.C.D—Only the specified IP address
Values are grayed out in the IP Standard area depending upon the Host Type selected.
Host Name—Name of the host (or source of the packet) for which the access action is applicable.