Welch Allyn 206EL Propaq Encore Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual
Page 134

Welch Allyn Propaq Encore Vital Signs Monitor
Trend. The accumulation of several hours of data at two-minute intervals.
Trend Parameter. Heart Rate/Pulse Rate, P1, P2, SpO
, temperature,
NIBP and RR.
Turbocuf Mode. The mode used to acquire as many NIBP measurements as possible in
five minutes.
UA. Umbilical artery (label for an invasive blood pressure channel).
Unfreeze. Returns the waveforms to active display. See also Freeze.
UV. Umbilical vein (label for an invasive blood pressure channel).
Vital Sign Parameter. The measurements obtained from patient channels (such as, heart
rate, systolic, diastolic, mean, pulse rate, SpO
, CO
, etc.).
Waveform Window. The area in which waveforms are displayed.
Waveform/Status Window. See Waveform Window or Status Window.
Window. An area on the display screen in which information is displayed.
YSI. An acronym for Yellow Springs Instrument Company.
Zeroing. The process by which an invasive pressure zero reference is obtained so that
pressures can be related to atmospheric pressure. This process also nulls out any
residual pressure indicated by a transducer with zero pressure applied.