Glossary – Welch Allyn 206EL Propaq Encore Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual
Page 129

ΔT. Difference temperature. The difference between T1 and T2.
AAMI. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (United States of
AC Power Adapter. The device that plugs into the 12-28V dc receptacle on the Propaq
Encore's side panel to allow operation and battery charging from ac mains.
Acuity. Welch Allyn’s trade name for its central station patient monitoring system.
Altimeter. A sensor, internal to the Propaq Encore, that measures absolute atmospheric
pressure, and is used to correct CO
numerics for varying altitudes.
ANSI. American National Standards Institute
Apnea. Condition of no respiration occurring during a prescribed time interval.
ART. Arterial (label for an invasive blood-pressure channel).
Arterial Blood Gas Measurements. Laboratory value reporting acid-base, oxygenation
and ventilation status.
Artifact. An unwanted disturbance to or by the patient or attached sensors that adds
errors (usually erratic) to the measured parameters, e.g., muscle motion or shivering,
electrical interference, vibration of the cuff, etc.
Auto Interval. The interval at which NIBP measurements are initiated when operating in
the automatic mode.
Bell. The symbol that appears in a window to indicate alarm limits status. If alarm limits
have been set, a bell appears.
BP. Blood pressure
bpm. Beats per minute
Blood Pressure Numerics Windows. The two larger windows below the heart rate.
These windows can display invasive pressures and NIBP pressures.