Welch Allyn 206EL Propaq Encore Vital Signs Monitor - User Manual User Manual
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Welch Allyn Propaq Encore Vital Signs Monitor
In-service Mode. A user training aid built into all Propaq Encores that provides simulated
signals for all patient parameters so that function of the display, alarms, and printer
can be explored easily. The in-service mode is activated by the INSERV button.
Invasive Pressure Label. The two or three-character label that appears in the Invasive
Pressure Numerics Window identifying the source of blood pressure.
Labels. The names appearing above the buttons.
Mainstream. A respiratory CO
measurement technique which uses a noninvasive
sensor located at the endotracheal tube. This technique avoids signal delays and fluid
problems associated with other techniques.
Menu. A group of labels above the bottom front row of buttons on a Propaq Encore.
NIBP Status Window. The window that appears when the NIBP button is pressed. This
window displays NIBP information.
Numerics. The numbers that appear along the top and right side of the display for heart
rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc.
OxyCRG. An oxygen cardiorespirogram, a graph showing heart rate, SpO
, and a
condensed respiratory waveform.
P1. A generic label for invasive pressure channel one.
P2. A generic label for invasive pressure channel two.
PA. Pulmonary artery (label for an invasive blood pressure channel).
Parameter. See Vital Sign Parameter.
Patient Alarm. The condition that exists when a vital sign parameter numeric violates an
alarm limit.
Patient Channel. ECG, P1, P2, T1, T2, SpO
, CO
, NIBP and RESP.
Patient Mode. Selects Adult, Pediatric, or Neonatal mode settings for the monitor. These
settings determine default alarm limits, maximum cuff inflation pressure, and other
internal settings.
Pinout. The signal descriptions for each pin of a connector.
Polarization. The activity that occurs when dissimilar metals between ECG electrodes
and leads meet. This can cause dc offset and other signal problems.
PR. Pulse rate, expressed in units per minute or 1/min. This is displayed when the heart
rate/pulse rate source is from a pressure channel or SpO