Dynalco AF-900PC Air/Fuel Ratio Controller User Manual

Page 45

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1. From the Setpoint menu, press the MAP Soft Key.

2. From the Map Programming menu screen, press the MAP Soft Key.

3. Once in the Map Programming screen, observe that the Offset is 0.000. If the

Offset is zero, proceed to step 5.

4. Press the Enter button and note the "Off" value is bracketed. Press Enter again

and note that "Off" is flashing. Use the Up and Down keys to set the value to
zero, then press Enter again.

5. To program the "Zero Point", press the MAP Soft Key, then the OK Soft Key.

The zero point is now programmed and will appear as Pt 1 in the post-catalyst
offset table in the DynaHost learn screen. Also note that Pt 1 was also entered
in the Valve #1 and Valve #2 learn tables.

The next step is to enter the full load MAP offset. Run the engine at 100% load for
a minimum of 15 minutes before entering the full load offset.

Proceed to enter the full load offset as follows:

1. Press the Enter button twice and note that the "Off" value is flashing.

2. Use the Up and Down keys to add or subtract post-cat offset. This offset is

immediately added to the Post-Cat Setpoint Req. When adjusting offset, allow
ample time for the AF-900 and catalytic converter to react to the changes.
Remember, the post-catalyst control loop is very slow.

3. Once full load emissions compliance has been satisfied, press the Enter key to

except the offset value followed by the Escape key. Next press the OK Soft
. The full load offset value has now been saved and may be viewed as Pt 2
on the post-catalyst offset table on the DynaHost learn screen. Also note that Pt
2 has also been entered in the Valve #1 and Valve #2 learn tables.

Additional points may be entered, one at a time, if the engine does not meet
emissions compliance at loads between the zero point and full load. Each point will
then have an offset amount and a corresponding MAP load amount stored in non-
volatile memory.

Using DynaHost, the offsets at these points may be altered, but not the
corresponding MAP load amount at this point. The point must be deleted entirely in
order to alter the MAP load amount, in which case an entirely new point may be
added. No matter how many points are created, the points are connected in a
linear manner to provide a continuous offset amount.