Dynalco AF-900PC Air/Fuel Ratio Controller User Manual

Page 15

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9.3 FPD Screens

The LCD displays information to the user, grouping the information into screens.
Each screen displays a specific set of information to the user. To change screens,
the user must navigate to the desired screen using the indicated Soft Keys.

The AF900PC will display a title screen upon power up.



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The title screen displays a banner and indicates the current software version for
five seconds before displaying a main status screen. To return to the title screen,
the user must press and hold the ESC key for three seconds.

The main user screens are the Main Status Screen, Pre-Cat Status Screens, Post-
Cat Status Screens, Temperature Screens, and MAP Screen. The main status
screen displays the current engine/air-fuel control status (STOPPED, START,
, etc.) and any current ALARM or SHUTDOWN fault conditions.
The pre-cat status screens display the current pre-cat status and fuel valve
opening percentage. The post-cat status screen displays the current post-cat
status. The temperature screens display all measured engine temperatures. The
MAP screen displays the manifold air pressure(s) and engine RPM.

The SETUP mode screens allow authorized operators to view and/or adjust
software setpoints.

NOTE: Title Screen is not accessible in SETUP Mode.

A navigational screen map layout for the user RUN screens is shown on page 14.

A navigational screen map layout for the SETUP mode screens is shown on page