ADS Environmental Services Model 3600 530002 A2 User Manual
Page 73

ADS 3600 Flow Monitor O&M Manual
Step on the band to determine if any play is present.
If the band is not completely flush, locate the pre-drilled hole closest to
the sensor. This is rather difficult as you will have to use the touch and feel
method. Once located, use a compressor drill or a 60 cm (24 in.) extended bit
and drill another anchor bolt hole under the flow surface. Secure the anchor
bolt to the pipe and attach the band with a 7/16 in. (11 mm) nut and
corresponding washer.
Mold the long end of the band up the pipe wall.
Secure the band with anchor bolts up the pipe wall every 60 cm (24 in.) until
the end of the band is reached.
Ensure the sensor cable is not between the band and pipe during the
installation, or cable damage could result.
Cable tie the velocity sensor to the ultrasonic cable and secure with the anchor
bolt at the crown (soffit) of the pipe.
Completed 1/2-Mount Velocity Band Installation (Looking Towards the Top of the Pipe)
Anchor the bolt and secure the sensor cables every 60 cm (24 in.) along the
pipe crown (soffit) until the invert has been reached.
Cut the excess portion of the cable tie.
If the pipe is large and the velocity sensor cable is not run to the apex
of the pipe, then attach the velocity cable to 13 mm (1/2 in.) PVC tubing that