Flow sensors – ADS Environmental Services Model 3600 530002 A2 User Manual

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ADS 3600 Flow Monitor O&M Manual


If the EMU uses an external ac power source, power is continuously

received, and the NiCad batteries are continuously recharging.

For real time applications, an externally powered EMU is used. The modem must be
set up using the following parameters if you replace this modem with a non-ADS
modem or if your ADS modem is not functioning correctly. These parameters force
the modem to be an auto-answer modem.


First, for an auto-answer application, set S0=1 > type ATS0=1 < cr >.


Second, if the DCD follows the carrier, set &C1 > type AT&C1 < cr >.


Third, save the parameter changes: type AT&W0&W1 < cr >.

Flow Sensors

Verify that the ring is secure and mounted properly. Clear any debris that may have
accumulated around the ring and sensors.

If the face of the ultrasonic depth sensor has a buildup of grease or scum, clean it with
a soft brush saturated with rubbing alcohol. Scrub gently to avoid damaging the
acoustic foam. Then, wipe the ultrasonic depth sensor with a clean, moist cloth.

Use a carpenter’s level to verify that the face of the ultrasonic depth sensor is
horizontally level with the flow. If the ultrasonic depth sensor needs to be
repositioned, follow the installation procedures in Chapter 4.

Clean the face of the velocity and pressure sensor if it has a buildup of grease or scum
by scrubbing the sensor’s face with a soft brush saturated with rubbing alcohol.

Because debris can pull a cable away from the ring, make sure that all sensor cables
are neatly arranged and securely fastened so that they do not snag particles in the flow.
Repair or replace the cables as required; all cables should be free of cuts and breaks
that may affect their performance.

Check the pressure sensor desiccant (it should be blue). When the desiccant is pink, it
will not absorb any more moisture. Unscrew the middle of the drier assembly, empty
and save the used desiccant, and fill it with new desiccant.